Sunday, January 16, 2022

Fire resistance standards for testing

Fire resistance standards for testing 

This article provides the necessary details on fire resistance test standards related to the ability of a specimen of system construction to prevent the spread of flame or smoke in a fully developed fire, and maintain structural stability of the tested specimen.

Testing the fire resistance of a building element involves determining its behaviour when exposed to a particular heating condition and pressure, normally those representing a fire in an enclosed space, e.g. a room. Fire resistance is one of several properties of a structure or system, and thus is not simply a property of the specific materials used in the structure or system.

The resistance to fire performance test standards most commonly referred to are the British Standards (BS 476: Parts 20 to 24). The European Norms (EN 1363 to 1366) will gradually replace BS 476 and the current equivalents are given below. In the European norms, the building elements and structures are to be tested and classified with regard to their fire separation performance and smoke tightness according to a system that indicates the properties by a letter, e.g. R, E or I, and an index that indicates the time that each specific property is maintained.


European standards

EN 13501: Part 2: 2016 - Fire classification of construction products and building elements (Part 2: Classification using data from fire resistance tests, excluding ventilation services)

This standard aims to harmonise procedures for classification for resistance to fire of construction products and elements based on defined test procedures using data from fire resistance and smoke leakage tests.

EN 1363: Part 1: 2012 - Fire resistance tests (Part 1: General requirements)

This part establishes the general principles for determining the fire resistance of various elements of construction, where aspect and test procedures are common to all specific test methods.

EN 1363: Part 2: 1999 - Fire resistance tests (Part 2: Alternative and additional procedures)

This part identifies a specific heating scenario where standard conditions given in EN 1363: Part 1 are inappropriate due to other additional factors that need to be considered, such as the nature of the products or systems, intention of use and regulatory requirements. Alternative conditions include the hydrocarbon curve, slow heating and external fire exposure curves.

EN 1364: Part 1: 2015 - Fire resistance tests for non-load bearing elements (Part 1: Walls)

The purpose of test is to measure the ability of representative specimens of non-load bearing walls, both with and without glazing for internal and external construction, except for curtain walls and walls with door sets.

EN 1364: Part 2: 2018 - Fire resistance tests for non-load bearing elements (Part 2: Ceilings)

This test is applicable to ceilings which are either suspended by hangers or fixed directly to a supporting frame, and self-supporting ceilings. Test of ceilings are carried out in two modalities, i.e. fire from below the ceiling with no cavity above, and fire from above the ceiling where fire is contained in a closed cavity.

EN 1364: Part 3: 2014 - Fire resistance tests for non-load bearing elements (Part 3: Curtain walling – full configuration, complete assembly)

This method is applicable to curtain walling systems, supported by floor slab(s) designed for the purpose of providing fire resistance determined under internal or external exposure conditions.

EN 1364: Part 4: 2014 - Fire resistance tests for non-load bearing elements (Part 4: Curtain walling – part configuration)

This standard specifies the method for determining the fire resistance of parts of curtain walling incorporating non-fire resistant infill product to internal or external fire exposure. The test method includes assessment regarding falling parts that are liable to cause personal injury. It can also be used to determine any increase in the field of application for fire resistance of parts of curtain walling tested to EN 1364: Part 3.

EN 1365: Part 1: 2012 - Fire resistance tests for load bearing elements (Part 1: Walls)

This test measures the ability of a representative specimen of a load bearing wall to resist spread of fire from one side and maintain its load bearing capacity. The test is applicable to internal and external walls under internal or external exposure conditions.

EN 1365: Part 2: 2014 - Fire resistance tests for load bearing elements (Part 2: Floors and roofs)

This part specifies the method for determining the fire resistance of floor construction without cavities or with unventilated cavities, roof construction with or without cavities (ventilated or unventilated) and floor or roof construction incorporating glazed elements. Fire exposure is from the underside.

EN 1365: Part 3: 1999 - Fire resistance tests for load bearing elements (Part 3: Beams)

This part specifies the method for determining the fire resistance of beams with or without applied fire protection systems, and with or without cavities. The fire resistance of beams is assessed against load bearing capacity criteria.

EN 1365: Part 4: 1999 - Fire resistance tests for load bearing elements (Part 4: Columns)

This part specifies the method for determining the fire resistance of columns when fully exposed to fire on all sides. The fire resistance of the column is assessed against load bearing capacity criteria.

EN 1366: Part 1: 2014 - Fire resistance tests for service installations (Part 1: Ventilation ducts)

This part specifies the method for determining the fire resistance of vertical and horizontal ventilation ducts under standardised fire conditions. The test examines fire resistance for ducts exposed to fire from outside (Duct A) and fire inside the duct (Duct B). The performance of the ducts is assessed against integrity, insulation and smoke leakage criteria.

EN 1366: Part 2: 2015 - Fire resistance tests for service installations (Part 2: Fire dampers)

The purpose of this test is to evaluate the ability of mechanical devices such as fire dampers to prevent fire, smoke and gases spreading at high temperature from one compartment to another through the air ductwork system which may penetrate fire separating walls and floors. Temperature and integrity measurements are carried out on parts of a test construction. The impermeability of a fire damper system is measured by direct flow measurement whilst maintaining a constant pressure differential across the closed fire damper. The tightness of the fire damper in a closed position is measured at ambient temperature.

EN 1366: Part 3: 2009 - Fire resistance tests for service installations (Part 3: Penetration seals)

This part provides a method of testing to assess the contribution of the penetration sealing system to the fire resistance of separating elements when penetrated by service(s). The purpose of the test is to assess the effects of such penetration to the integrity and insulation performance of the separating element concerned, the integrity and insulation of the penetration sealing system, the insulation performance of the penetrating service(s), and the integrity failure of a service.

EN 1366: Part 4: 2006+A1:2010 - Fire resistance tests for service installations (Part 4: Linear joint seals)

The purpose of this test is to assess the effect of a linear joint seal on the integrity and insulation of the construction, as well as the integrity and insulation performance of the linear joint seal. The effect of movement of the supporting construction on the fire performance of the linear joints seals is also assessed.

EN 1366: Part 5: 2010 - Fire resistance tests for service installations (Part 5: Service ducts and shafts)

The purpose of this test is to measure the ability of a representative horizontal service duct or vertical service shaft which passes through a floor or walls and enclosed pipes and cables to resist the spread of fire from one compartment to another. The test examines the behaviour of ducts and shafts with regard to a fire from the outside or inside. The performance of ducts and shafts is assessed against integrity and insulation criteria.

EN 1366: Part 6: 2004 - Fire resistance tests for service installations (Part 6: Raised access and hollow core floors)

This part specifies the method of testing for representative samples of a raised or hollow floor when exposed to a specified regime of heating and loading. Exposure to fire is from within the plenum, beneath the floor. The fire exposure applied may be either the standard or reduced (maintained up to 500°C) time temperature curve. Performance criteria are assessed against insulation, integrity and load bearing capacity.

EN 1366: Part 8: 2004 - Fire resistance tests for service installations (Part 8: Smoke extraction ducts)

This part has been prepared to evaluate fire resistant ducts tested to EN 1366-1 (Duct A and Duct B) and to function adequately as smoke extraction ducts. The smoke extraction ducts pass through another compartment from the fire compartment to be extracted in case of fire, and in a fully developed fire. The test is only suitable for four-sided ducts constructed from non-combustible materials (Euroclass A1 and A2). Leakage is measured at ambient and elevated temperatures. Performance criteria are assessed against smoke leakage, insulation, integrity and mechanical stability.

EN 1366: Part 9: 2008 - Fire resistance tests for service installations (Part 9: Single compartment smoke extraction ducts)

This part specifies a test method for determining the fire resistance of smoke extraction ducts that are used for single compartment applications only. In such applications, the smoke extraction system is only intended to function up to flashover (typically 600°C). This method of testing is only suitable for ducts constructed from non-combustible materials (Euroclass A1 and A2-s1, d0). It is applicable only to four-sided and circular ducts. This test has been designed to cover horizontal smoke extraction ducts intended for single compartment applications only. This test method of part 9 is applicable only to smoke extraction ducts that do not pass through into other fire compartments. It represents fire exposure of a developing fire (pre-flashover). For smoke extraction ducts that pass through into other compartments, the method of testing described in EN 1366-8 should be used.

EN 1634: Part 1: 2014+A1:2018 - Fire resistance and smoke control tests for door and shutter assemblies, openable windows and elements of building hardware (Part 1: Fire resistance test for door and shutter assemblies and openable windows)

This part specifies the method for determining door and shutter assemblies designed for installation within openings incorporating vertical separating elements, including hinged and pivoted doors, horizontal and vertical sliding doors and uninsulated steel single-skin folded shutters. Performance criteria are assessed against insulation, integrity and radiation.


British standards

BS 476: Part 20: 1987 (BS EN 1363: Part 1: 2012) - Methods for determination of the fire resistance of construction elements (general principles)

This part describes the general procedures and equipment required to determine the fire resistance of construction elements. It should be read in conjunction with BS 476: Parts 21 to 24 as appropriate, which describe the detailed procedure for the testing of individual construction elements.

BS 476: Part 21: 1987 (BS EN 1365: Parts 1 to 4) - Methods for determination of the fire resistance of load bearing construction elements.

This standard describes methods for determining the fire resistance of load bearing beams, columns, floors, flat roofs and walls. Beams and columns are assessed in terms of load bearing capacity while dividing elements such as floors, flat roofs and walls are measured in terms of load bearing capacity, integrity and insulation.

BS 476: Part 22: 1987 (BS EN 1364: Parts 1 and 2: 1999) - Methods for determination of the fire resistance of non-load bearing construction elements.

This standard describes methods for determining the fire resistance of non-load bearing partitions, door sets, shutter assemblies, ceiling membranes and glazed elements of construction with respect to integrity and, where appropriate, insulation.

BS 476: Part 23: 1987 - Methods for determination of the contribution of components to the fire resistance of a structure

This standard describes test methods for determination of the contribution of suspended ceilings to the fire resistance of steel beams, as well as for determination of the contribution of intumescent seals to the fire resistance of timber door assemblies.

BS 476: Part 24: 1987 (BS EN 1366: Part 1: 1999) - Methods for determination of the fire resistance of ventilation ducts

This standard describes the methods used to test and measure the ability of a duct assembly to prevent the spread of fire from one fire compartment to another. Results are expressed in terms of stability, integrity and insulation.

BS 7346-3:1990 (BS EN 12101-1:2005) - Components for smoke and heat control systems

This standard describes methods for determining the fire resistance of smoke curtains where those items are used as part of a smoke control system.


International standards

ISO 834: Part 1: 1999 - General requirements

This part specifies general principles regarding equipment, instrumentation and procedures on the method of determining the fire resistance of various elements of constructions when subjected to standard fire exposure conditions.

ISO 834: Part 4: 2000 - Specific requirements for load bearing vertical separating elements

This part is applicable to vertical load-bearing separating elements of building construction when exposed to fire on one side. The fire resistance performance of the tested specimen is assessed against insulation, integrity and load-bearing capacity.

ISO 834: Part 5: 2000 - Specific requirements for load bearing horizontal separating elements

This part is applicable to horizontal separating load bearing elements of building construction such as floors and roofs, including load bearing elements containing beams, when exposed to fire from the underside. The fire resistance performance of the tested specimen is assessed against insulation, integrity and load bearing capacity.

ISO 834: Part 6: 2000 - Specific requirements for beams

This part specifies the procedures for determining the fire resistance of beams when tested on their own with their underside and two vertical sides exposed to heating, otherwise appropriate exposure conditions have to be reproduced. The beam is assessed against load bearing capacity criteria.

ISO 834: Part 7: 2000 - Specific requirements for columns

This part specifies the procedures for determining the fire resistance of columns when tested on their own. The column is tested fully exposed to fire on all sides, unless other appropriate exposure conditions have to be reproduced. The column is assessed against load bearing capacity criteria.

ISO 834: Part 8: 2000 - Specific requirements for non-load bearing vertical separating elements

This part is applicable to vertical separating elements of building construction when exposed to fire on one side. The fire resistance performance of the tested specimen is assessed against insulation and integrity criteria.

ISO 834: Part 9: 2003 - Specific requirements for non-load bearing ceiling elements

This part determines the fire resistance performance of a ceiling assessed against insulation and integrity criteria, when exposed to heating below the ceiling. The test method is applicable to self-supporting ceiling and suspended ceiling construction.


Australian standards

AS 1530: Part 4: 2005 - Fire resistance test of construction elements

The standard follows the general principles and procedures contained in the ISO 834 series and other related documents, but consolidates them in one document. This standard provides a method for determining the fire resistance of building elements including walls, floors, roofs, ceilings, columns, beams, door sets, uninsulated glazing, air ducts, service penetrations and fire damper assemblies. The Building Code of Australia (BCA) recognises compliance with the code when the relevant system of construction is tested in accordance with this standard.

AS 4072: Part 1: 2005 - Components for the protection of openings in fire resistant separating element (Part 1: Service penetrations and control joints)

This part specifies the requirements for testing, interpretation of the test results, and installation of penetration sealing systems and control joints sealing systems in fire resistant elements of construction. The standard is based on the testing of standard configurations and provides minimum requirements for these fire stopping systems. It is intended to complement the fire protection requirements of the BCA and is to be read in conjunction with the testing regimes outlined in AS 1530: Part 4.

AS 5113 - Fire propagation testing and classification of external walls of buildings

This provides an accurate indication of the fire performance of wall claddings and wall assemblies. AS 5113 will be referenced in a new verification method that will enable industry to verify the fire performance of external cladding systems against the relevant performance requirements of the NCC.


Assessments / Appraisals

Test reports only state what has been tested and show no variations. Changes to a construction tested to Australian, British or European standards will require either another fire test or an engineering assessment.

An assessment is a desktop study undertaken by an independent fire consultant and allowing some variations from a tested design. The nature and scope of any variation will depend to a large extent on the size and configuration of the test specimen.

Project specific assessments can also be produced - and tests conducted - tailored to the specific needs of a building project.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

How Fire Panel Know my Detectors are OK?

How Fire Panel Know my Detectors are OK?

Wishing you a very Happy New Year 2022.

The exact design of a commercial fire alarm system is determined by the commercial space’s occupancy classification and the local codes mandated by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) for that specific occupancy classification. But regardless of the system design, all commercial fire alarm systems must have a Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP).

An FACP is the “brain” of the fire alarm system to which all other devices are connected. When an initiating device (such as a smoke detector or a manual pull station) transmits an alarm signal to the FACP, it activates the notification devices to alert the occupants via audible and visual alarm devices.

An FACP also has a digital display that provides the current status of the fire alarm system. In modern “addressable” fire alarm systems, every device connected to the FACP has a unique address (for example: “57 - smoke detector basement electrical room”) which allows the FACP to display the specific device that initiated the signal. This level of detail allows the authorized personnel to quickly locate the source of the alarm. The building’s authorized personnel also use the FACP’s functional switches to acknowledge signals, silence alarms and reset the system once the alarm condition has been cleared by fire department personnel.

It's assumed that fire alarm systems have to work all the time because fires happen anytime... but, then again, this is the real world. Problems with the fire alarm system do occur, and that's when it may not go into alarm. To know when it needs to be fixed, the whole fire alarm system needs to be supervised. 

Smoke detectors look for the presence of smoke. The most common type used today are photoelectric smoke detectors. A photoelectric smoke detector operates by projecting a small beam of light across an internal chamber. If that beam of light becomes obscured beyond a preset threshold (a percentage of light obscuration) by smoke, dirt or other small particles, the detector will transmit an alarm signal to the

If there's trouble inside the fire alarm panel, the panel does its self-diagnostics and indicates trouble. However, when there's a problem in the wiring or devices outside the panel, that's another story. 

Addressable Supervision is the Fire Alarm Control Panel polling or asking a device "Are You OK?", and the device answers "I'm OK!"

Polling is an I'm OK Check

Conventional Class A and Class B wiring directly supervises only the wires; it does not really supervise the devices. The Signaling Line Circuit (SLC), on the other hand, is different; it supervises the devices. 

Unlike the conventional methods, the SLC is a kind of two way street. To supervise, the SLC uses Polling of the Devices. Polling is similar to an I'm OK survey of the entire fire alarm system outside the panel. 

To Poll the devices, the panel uses a signal to say 'device 27 report', and device 27 reports back with a signal that says essentially, 'I'm OK.' If device 27 doesn't report back, or if it does report back but says it isn't working correctly, the message on the fire alarm panel indicates trouble on device 27. 

Failure of the device to report back could be trouble with the device, or trouble with the wiring. However, because the panel specifies the device in trouble, the troubleshooting process of the fire alarm system is sped up. 

Supervising the Wire

With conventional Class A or Class B wiring methods, in order to directly supervise the wire, a current is passed through the entire wire loop. 

The devices connected to the loop aren't supervised; the panel never checks the devices to see if they work. Unless a detector in the field opens the loop, or a horn or strobe shorts (almost never happens), the fire alarm panel won't indicate trouble. 

On the other hand, with the exception of Styles 6 and 7 (equivalent to the conventional Class A), the wires in an addressable loop aren't directly supervised. 

Instead of passing a current through the wire, the SLC wiring is indirectly supervised. If, during the polling process, the returning I'm OK signal is received at the panel, the panel assumes that the wiring is complete. That's the indirect supervision of the wire in the loop. 

Alarm Signals -- Input and Output Device

For input devices, of course, if smoke detector 27 goes into alarm, the panel gets the signal from device 27, and using words on the display, identifies smoke detector 27 as the source of the alarm.

Then again, to turn on the horns or strobes is a specific area, the panel can also send signals along the same SLC to the specific output modules it needs to turn on. 

Addressable I'm OK Supervision -- It's All About Confidence

Using the "I'm OK" signals of the polling process, the addressable fire alarm system directly supervises the devices on the SLC. With this direct supervision of the devices, the fire alarm system has confidence the building wiring is intact.

According to NFPA 72, fire alarm initiating devices are defined as devices used to manually or automatically signal a fire alarm system to initiate responses from equipment and people. These devices connect to the alarm system’s control panel and are under the control panel’s surveillance. When triggered, the control panel identifies the location and then goes into the alarm stage, sounding alerts throughout the building and sending commands to emergency responders.

SSA Integrate offers NFPA inspection programs to our customers. Regular fire equipment inspections will ensure the ongoing reliability and safety of your fire protection systems. As part of the fire protection inspection process, detailed reports will be provided identifying any system deficiencies and recommended action to bring the system back up to applicable fire codes.
We provide a comprehensive selection of fire protection inspection services through our Preventive Maintenance Agreement (PMA). Your company can save valuable time and money by having your fire safety needs addressed with one PMA.