Find The Best, Worst, Catchy, Competition Winning Health and Safety Slogans and Safety Messages for Your Workplace – 2022
Quotable quote: “The use of silly and
meaningless safety slogans matters, it creates a distraction and delusion that
safety and risk are being addressed. We may feel good about speaking such words
but they dumb down culture and distract people from taking safety seriously”.
by Dr Rob Long
- A
harness is better than a hearse.
- A
helmet on your head will keep you away from a hospital bed!
- A
spill, a slip, a hospital trip.
- A
wound neglected is a wound infected
- A
Great Work Practice is To Concentrate on the task(s) at hand.
Distractions, boredom or fatigue can lead to accidents and other safety
hazards. Always remember a danger foreseen is half avoided
- Accident
bring tears, safety brings cheers.
- Accident
prevention – Your No. 1 intention
- Accidents
Big Or Small, Avoid Them All.
- Accidents
hurt, Safety doesn’t.
- Always
remember, all accidents are preventable.
- Always
think safety no matter what the task
- Always
take the safest path, never take shortcuts.
- Always
practice good housekeeping.
- Always
Be prepared.
- Always
wear your safety gear, so you can work without any fear.
- Always
manage the lift.
- Always
deter from situations you’re not trained to handle.
- Always
be proactive about safety.
- Accidents,
and particularly street and highway accidents, do not happen – they are
caused. ~Ernest Greenwood
- At
work at play, let safety lead the way.
- At
your desk, do not slouch – or later you’ll be saying ouch!
- Avoid
a mourning, acknowledge a warning.
- Avoid
the worst. Put safety first.
- Be
a safety hero – score an accident zero
- Be
alert! Accidents hurt.
- BE
AWARE – Know where (fire extinguisher, fire exit and first aid visuals)
- Be
aware – Take care
- Be
aware of slips and trips
- Be
aware Take care
- Be
careful, stay alert – don’t get hurt.
- Be
protected, wear your seatbelt.
- Be
- Be
sure be safe
- Be
wise; use safety glasses to protect your eyes.
- Before
you do it, take time to think through it.
- Before
you start be safety smart
- Behind
the wheel, anger is one letter away from danger.
- Better
a thousand times careful than once dead
- Better
Safe than Sorry.
- Better
to be safe than to be sorry
- Better
to lock out than luck out
- Broken
tools can be replaced. You can’t.
- Buckle
Up Next One Million Miles.
- Caution:
Read, then proceed
- Chance
takers are accident makers.
- Check
for safety then recheck
- Cutting
corners can cut your life short.
- Concern
for man himself and his safety must always for the chief interest of all
technical endeavors. – Albert Einstein
- Do
the do’s not the don’ts
- Don’t
break a hip; clean up spills before you slip.
- Don’t
be a medical case; Keep guard in place.
- Don’t
cause a scene, keep your area clean.
- Don’t
depend on luck; set the parking break on your truck.
- Don’t
get hurt, stay alert!
- Don’t
put your family in mourning; follow the safety warning.
- Don’t
be a fool. Use the proper tool.
- Don’t
fix the blame, fix the problem
- Don’t
get carried away — lookout for forklifts.
- Don’t
get caught in the web of unsafe acts
- Don’t
get caught with your guard off – it could be disarming
- Don’t
put your family in mourning; follow the safety warning.
- Electricity
can turn you off.
- Everything
in its place keeps you safe.
- Expect
the unexpected and always be protected.
- Even
a paper clip can cause a slip.
- Failing
to prepare = Prepare to fail
- Falling
objects can be brutal, if you don’t protect your noodle.
- Fess
up if you mess up.
- Fingers
are precious, don’t ignore – or they could end up on the floor.
- Forget
the nurse with safety first.
- Friends
don’t let Friends forget about safety.
- Get
Smart, Use Safety from the Start.
- Get
the safety habit
- Guard
against man eating machines
- Guard
himself as he may, every moment’s an ambush. ~ Horace
- Hard
hats, they’re not just for decoration
- Hear
today gone tomorrow – use your hearing protection
- Hearing
protection is a sound investment
- Here’s
a heads up: wear a helmet.
- Housekeeping
you skip may cause a fall or slip.
- If
you are aware of it take care of it
- If
you don’t want to get hurt, stay alert!
- If
you don’t think it will happen to you, find the person who had it happen
to them
- If
you mess up, ‘fess up.
- If
you think safety rules are a pain, try having an accident.
- If you
SEE something, SAY something!! If you SAY something DO something!! –
Robert Morgan
- Instead
of your back, use your knees, and you will always lift with ease.
- Invest
in tomorrow. Practice safety today
- It
costs less to be safe every day than to make one careless mistake along
the way.
- It’s
better to correct an unsafe friend than to bury one
- It’s
better to correct an unsafe friend than to bury one. Be safe.
- It’s
easier to ask a dumb question than it is to fix a dumb mistake.
- Jog
against the traffic flow, or to the hospital you could go.
- Just
because you always did it that way, doesn’t make it right.
- K.I.S.S.
– Keep It Safe and Sound
- Keep
it low and keep it slow.
- Keep
safety first so you last.
- Keep
safety in mind. It will save your behind
- Know
safety No Accidents
- Know
Safety, No Pain.
- Lead
the way, safety today.
- Leave
sooner, drive slower, live longer.
- Let
safety be a sponge – soak it up
- Life
Is Short, Don’t Rush It.
- Life
is too short to take unnecessary chances.
- Look
sharp don’t get cut
- Machines
don’t have brains — use your own.
- Make
it your mission, not to live in unsafe condition.
- Make
safety a reality and don’t be a fatality
- Make
safety a way of life.
- Make
sure you know your ABC’s; Always Be Careful, please!
- Make
your plant the best – safer than all the rest
- Never
give safety a day off
- Never
Give Safety A Day Off.
- No
Safety – Know Pain, Know Safety – No Pain
- No
Safety, Know Pain.
- No
Horseplay at Work, Take Safety Seriously.
- No
project, no matter how critical, is worth a lost finger, a blinded eye, or
tragic loss of life. When safety becomes the primary guideline for
progress, all parties reap the rewards of a job well done and done safely.
- Normal
speed meets every need
- One
safe act can lead to another
- Only
fools ignore safety rules.
- Onsite
and at home, think safety 24/7
- Our
Goal…Zero Harm
- Pencils
have erasers–mishaps don’t!
- People
die when they drive and text; don’t or you’ll be the next.
- Prepare
& prevent instead of repair & repent.
- Precaution
is better than cure. ~ Edward Coke
- Protect
only the fingers you want to keep!
- Protect
your hands…..Use your head.
- Put
your brakes on speed
- Risk
– is it worth it?
- Safe
to do? Ask!
- Safety
– a good friend to take home
- Safety
– everyone’s full time job
- Safety
– it’s in your hands
- Safety
– it’s the tool for LIFE
- Safety
– Live with it
- Safety
awareness saves lives
- Safety
begins with teamwork
- Safety
by choice not by chance.
- Safety
comes before schedule only in the dictionary
- Safety
comes in a can, I can, You can, We can be safe
- Safety
doesn’t happen by accident.
- Safety
- Safety
first – Please remember
- Safety
first and last longer
- Safety
First, Last and Always
- Safety
first, last and forever.
- Safety
first, safety last; don’t screw up your future by being careless in your
- “Safety
First” is “Safety Always.” ~ Charles M. Hayes
- Safety
fits like a glove; Try one on.
- Safety
glasses: All in favor say “Eye!”
- Safety
habits are a cheap and effective insurance policy.
- Safety
has no time out
- Safety
in – we win.
- Safety
Is a Choice You Make.
- Safety
is a cheap and effective insurance policy.
- Safety
is a full time job – don’t make it a part time practice.
- Safety
is a requirement of the job – not an option.
- Safety
is a state of mind – Accidents are an absence of mind
- Safety
is a way of life
- Safety
is as simple as ABC…Always Be Careful
- Safety
is free use it generously
- Safety
is Gainful; Accidents are Painful.
- Safety
is no accident
- Safety
is No Accident.
- Safety
is our business too
- Safety
is our goal what’s yours?
- Safety
is our No1 Priority.
- Safety
is priceless so is your life.
- Safety
is success by purpose – Not Accident
- Safety
is the Key – it’s up to you and me
- Safety
is the most productive business
- Safety
is like a member of your family. Treat it with disrespect and it will
leave you exposed to harm. Treat it with respect and nurture it as you go
and will remain with you always
- Safety
never goes out of style.
- Safety
- Safety
pays, carelessness slays; don’t let foolishness number your days.
- Safety
records don’t happen by accident
- Safety
rules are your best tools
- Safety
Shoes To House Your Toes; Safety Glasses on Your Nose.
- Safety
Slogans for the Workplace
- Safety
Slogans for Work
- Safety
starts with ‘S’ but it begins with you
- Safety
starts with me
- Safety…Do
it for life.
- Save
tomorrow. think safety today
- Save
your behind and keep safety in mind.
- Seat
belts are not as confining as a wheelchair.
- Seatbelts
save lives. Buckle up every time.
- Shortcuts
cut life short.
- Shortcuts
lead to deep cuts
- Speak
up if it’s not safe.
- Stand
up for safety
- Stay
Alert – Don’t Get Hurt.
- Stop
accidents before they stop you.
- Stop
unsafe acts now
- Stop!
Think! Then Act!
- Take
5 and Stay Alive
- Take
- Team
up to safety
- Tell
me- I forget, Show me – I remember, Involve me – I’m committed
- Ten
fingers, Ten toes, if you are not careful then, who knows?
- The
door to safety swings on the hinges of common sense
- The
first 3 letters in workplace safety YOU
- The
goal must be zero accidents
- The
Key To Safety Is in Your Hands
- The
lesson for the day is time runs out on luck; obeying safety rules will
save us from having to learn this lesson the hard way.
- The
safe way is the best way.
- The
Safe Way is the Best Way. When in doubt, check it out
- The
safest RISK is the one you didn’t take
- The
safety risk is the one you didn’t take
- Think
positive an accident is only an attitude away
- Think
safety – it couldn’t hurt
- Think
safety avoid unsafe acts
- Think
safe, work safe, be safe.
- Think
Safety today, Be Alive Tomorrow.
- Think
smart before you start.
- Think
with your head or end up dead.
- There
are no guarantees when it comes to safety unless you are doing your part
so turn your attention to accident prevention and stay alert to the
possible hazards in your work environment so that you can take steps to
correct or guard against them.
- Those
who work the safest way, live to work another day
- To
avoid a scene keep your work place clean.
- To
be or not to be; that’s the gamble you take when you don’t practice
- Tomorrow
– Your reward for working safely today
- Touching
a live wire is a quick way to become a fryer.
- Turn
your attention to accident prevention
- Use
your Brain to avoid the Pain!
- Visualize, Internalize and Realize that safety depends on you so focus on safety every day and you’ll find that you’re Safe actions will bring lasting satisfaction.
- Watch
your step – it could be your last
- Watch
your step – your feet don’t have eyes
- We
need you – work safely
- We
all find ourselves in situations that at times seem hopeless. And, we all
have the choice to do nothing or take action. Your actions could save
lives, so don’t be a bystander when it comes to safety.
- Wear
safety shoes and keep a good footing on life
- Wear
your hard hat, or your head might go splat!
- When
in doubt get out
- When
safety is first, you last.
- When
should you report a safety concern? Right away – as soon as you learn!
- When
walkways freeze – walk safely please
- When
working outdoors in the heat, protect your skin from your head to your
- When
you gamble with safety you bet your life
- While
on a ladder, never step back to admire your work.
- Who can
hope to be safe? who sufficiently cautious?
- Wipe
up and avoid a slip up
- Work
safe today–heaven can wait.
SAFELY — You might not get a second chance.
- Work
Safely is Plan A — there is no Plan B.
- Work
smarter not harder
- Working
safely may get old, but so do those who practice it.
- Working
without safety is a dead end job
- Working
together…work safely if everyone is moving forward together
and taking responsibility for their safe work environment then
our safety takes care of itself.
- You
are looking at the person responsible for your safety (mirror sticker)
- You
get what you inspect, not what you expect
- You
will achieve the level of safety excellence that you demonstrate you want
- You
won’t need a hearse if you put safety first.
- Your
Good Health is your greatest Wealth.
- Zero
compromise towards safety
- Zero
in on safety
- Zero
tolerance on safety
भारत में हर साल 4 मार्च को राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा दिवस (National Safety and Security Day) 4 मार्च को मनाया जाता है। इस दिन को अब नेशनल सेफ्टी सप्ताह के रूप में भी मनाया जाने लगा है। हर साल की तरह इस साल भी राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा दिवस 4 मार्च को बड़ी धूम-धाम से मनाया जायेगा। राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा दिन या सप्ताह 4 मार्च से शुरू होकर 10 मार्च तक चलेगा।
List of Safety Slogans in Hindi (सुरक्षा सम्बंधित नारे)
1. सुरक्षित कार्य का प्रयास, सुरक्षित कार्य से जीवन का हो विकास
2. मशीनों का अगर रखेंगे ध्यान तो सुरक्षा के साथ उत्पादनों में भी होंगे कमाल.
3. सुरक्षित ढंग से काम हो, सारे सपने साकार हो.
4. सुरक्षा का करो वरण , सुरक्षित कार्य से दुर्घटना का हो हरण
5. सुरक्षा के मायने है हजार , सुरक्षा से जीवन में हे बहार
6. मत करो इतनी मस्ती, जिंदगी नहीं हैं सस्ती.
7. काम के बाद काम के साथ, आपकी सुरक्षा आपके हाथ.
8. आपकी सुरक्षा, आपके परिवार की सुरक्षा.
9. हर दिन सुरक्षा दिन, सुरक्षा को अवकाश नहीं.
10. सतर्क रहे, सुरक्षित रहे.
11. सुरक्षा का करो वरण, सुरक्षित कार्य से दुर्घटना का हो हरण
12. हर दिन सुरक्षा दिन, सुरक्षा को अवकाश नहीं.
13. बैठा है यमराज वह पर, नहीं सुरक्षा है जहां पर
14. सुरक्षित हो कार्य विधि हमारी , सुरक्षा उपकरणों का प्रयोग है सबकी जिमेदारी
15. कार्य के दौरान हमेशा रहो अलर्ट, इससे आप रहेंगे सुरक्षित कम्फर्ट
16. काम के समय न करो बाते, दुर्घटनाओं को पास क्यू बुलाते
17. जन भली की गाड़ी भली, सड़क कहती की सुरक्षा भली.
18. सुरक्षित कार्य है कर्त्तव्य हमारा, सुरक्षित जीवन से जुड़ा है परिवार हमारा
19. सुरक्षा से काम कीजिये , सुरक्षित जीवन का आनंद लीजिये
20. हो धरती पर अगर जीवन को बढ़ाना, तो सुरक्षा के नियमो को अपनाना
21. जो सुरक्षा से दोस्ती तोडेगा, वह एक दिन दुनिया भी छोडेगा.
22. सुरक्षित कार्य से जीवन में उजियारा, असुरक्षित कार्य से जीवन में आये आधियारा
23. सुरक्षित रहिये , हेलमेट पहनिए
24. शुद्ध सुरक्षित उत्पादन प्रक्रिया, सुरक्षित कार्य की है ये विद्या
25. काम मे और काम के बाद, सदा सुरक्षा रहे आपके साथ.
26. आपकी सुरक्षा, आपके परिवार की सुरक्षा.
27. सुरक्षा से काम कीजिये, सुरक्षित जीवन का आनंद लीजिये
28. सुरक्षा के मायने है हजार, सुरक्षा से जीवन में हे बहार
29. जो सुरक्षा से दोस्ती तोडेगा, वह एक दिन दुनिया भी छोडेगा.
30. करना हैं बहुत काम, पर सुरक्षा पर भी हो अपना ध्यान.
31. अगर बच्चो से है प्यार तो काम में सुरक्षा से भी नाता जोड़ों यार.
32. दुघर्टना से देर भली.
33. सेफ्टी टोल्ड लाइफ इज़ गोल्ड , आप दुर्घटना को करो क्लीन बोल्ड.
34. है सुरक्षा में अपनी भलाई, जो है जीवन की कमाई.
35. जीवन का यही है नारा, सुरक्षा भरा हो परिवार हमारा
36. सुरक्षा के लिए करो सरे जतन, सुरक्षित कार्य से विकसित हो जीवन
37. सुरक्षित हो कार्य विधि हमारी, सुरक्षा उपकरणों का प्रयोग है सबकी जिमेदारी
38. है सुरक्षा में अपनी भलाई, जो है जीवन की कमाई.
39. सुरक्षा के मापदंड का करो अनुसरण, सुरक्षा के उपकरणों को हमेशा धारण
40. सुरक्षा से काम कीजिये, सुरक्षित जीवन का आनंद उठाइये.
41. वाहन धीमा चलाये, अपना कीमती जीवन बचाये.
42. सेफ्टी का रखो ध्यान, इससे ही जीवन की धारा, संभल के रखो इसको, जिंदगी न मिलेगी दोबारा
43. सतर्क रहे, सुरक्षित रहे.
44. सुरक्ष्य उपकरणों का प्रयोग है कर्त्तव्य हमारा
45. सुरक्षित कार्य है कर्त्तव्य हमारा , सुरक्षित जीवन से जुड़ा है परिवार हमारा
46. सुरक्षा नियमो का करो सामान, न होगी दुर्गटना न होंगे आप परेशान
47. काम में सुरक्षा के नियम तोड़ो मत, जिंदगी से नाता तोड़ो मत.
48. काम मे और काम के बाद, सदा सुरक्षा रहे आपके साथ.
49. सुरक्षा से काम कीजिये, सुरक्षित जीवन का आनंद उठाइये.
50. सज्जन व्यक्ति वही, जो सेफ्टी अपनाये सही
51. काम से अगर नजर हटेंगी, तो भाई जरुर दुघर्टना घटेगी.
52. सेफ्टी टोल्ड लाइफ इज़ गोल्ड, आप दुर्घटना को करो क्लीन बोल्ड.
53. शुद्ध सुरक्षित असरदायक, सेफ्टी है जीवन में लाभदायक
54. सुरक्षा से नेता जोड़ो, असुरक्षित कार्य से मुह मोड़ो
55. अपनी सुरक्षा से ना हो बगावत, दुर्घटना को मत दो दावत
56. कार्य में बरतो सुरक्षा, तो होगी हमारी सुरक्षा
57. सज्जन व्यक्ति वही , जो सेफ्टी अपनाये सही