Saturday, September 3, 2016

Safety installation normal Electrical Cable to Fire Survival Cable

Switch normal Electrical Cable to Fire Survival Cable
Fire survival cable are those which can operate continuously in presence of fire. Fire definitely the most dangerous element which can affect you with loss of money or life.
Initially, electrical wiring technology was not so good and wires were catching fire easily. Not only electrical cable it applicable for Fire Detection loop / zone cable as well as CCTV & Access Control Cabling.
The Engineers who were the part of wiring generation, transmission and utilization of electricity, they observed that normal electric wires do not posses the ability to operate in high flammable environment.
This made them to think about the need of those cables which can work in highly flammable environment. The wires which will have high immunity against fire.

Generally, the layer of XLPE or PEX (Cross-linked polyethylene) is Polyvinyl Chloride (or PVC). Polyvinyl Chloride provides immunity to wire and make them to stand against fire, Though, it generates toxic fumes which are corrosive in nature.
Although XLPE cables comes with PVC layers still it produces highly toxic flames which form clog, invisible to people. Because of this the problem of suffocation and even a threat of death could be possible.
You all know that in today’s time Electricity is essential in every place be it a domestic or business environment. In crowded places like schools, office, Station, Museum, airport, hospitals, foster homes, hotels, Multiplexes, ships, tunnels, subways and in public premises, electric faults or fire spreads at a faster rate and destructs property and life.
Fire Survival Cable cure the problem of fire emission from wire. Normal Wires can cause the fire and also the fire can be spread, and they also can result in:
  • Smoke Emission
  • Emission of Carbon Monoxide Gas ( One of the dangerous gas)
  • It will release the irritant gases such Hydrofluoric acid (HF), Hydrochloric acid(HCL), Carbonyl fluoride (COF2) and acrolein, depending on which type of material is used in cable.
To prevent these, you should replace your normal wiring with Fire Survival Cable.

Fire Survival Cables has a compound in it known as flame retardant low smoke PVC. This type of coating ensures very less emission of fire in compare to normal PVC coating.
Advantage of Choosing Fire Survival Cable
  • It can handle the fire for a longer period.
  • Water Proof.
  • Comes in your budget.
  • Highly Tensile Strength.
  • Durable.
  • Chemical Resistant.
Why Fire Survival Cable
Electricity is both good and bad at times. Electrical Wiring is the basic need in today’s time.
It should be well maintained and fire proof. The Fire can cause maximum effects from giving injury to death.
You should upgrade your wiring today with Fire Survival Cable as it gives you:
·        Reduces the Smoke Emission: There will be no release of dense smoke out of these wires.
·        Easy to install: Fire Survival Cables Jacket have low frictional coefficient than normal cables, which makes it easy to install.
·        No Toxic Gases: It eliminates the emission of toxic gases, which causes inhaling issue in human.unique design reduces the flame to spread through spaces.
·        Green & Clean Environment: It gives you a green & clean surrounding for living.
·        Reduces Flame Propagation: Its unique design reduces the flame to spread through spaces.


Electricity, good or bad. The argument will unstoppable. It is indeed an essential thing in human life. But when it creates dangerous effect, which sometime result in death. Than it becomes a matter of discussion.