Saturday, May 5, 2012

EN 54 Fire detection and alarm systems

EN 54 Fire detection and alarm systems

The EN 54 Fire detection and fire alarm systems is a mandatory standard that specifies requirements and laboratory test for every component of fire detection and fire alarm system and it allows the free movement of construction products between countries of the European Union market.
It was developed and approved by European Committee for Standardization (CEN, French: Comité Européen de Normalisation).
This standard is widely recognized around the world for several countries outside of European Union. It is recognized in Latin American countries, Brasil, African and Asian countries and several islands in the Pacific Ocean.
According to the Construction Product Products Regulation, it is mandatory that Fire Detection and Fire Alarm equipment is certified under EN 54 standard by an authorized certification body.

(TC) Technical Committee CEN/TC72 Automatic fire detection system and fire alarm
It is the TC responsible of developing the normative for fire detection system in the EU and responsible for coordination with committees of each member country to update information and making new normative in fire detection system. The committee of each member country report and depend directly from CEN/TC 72. These committees must inform updates and new normative that is received from CEN/TC72 to responsible office, departments or national organization which has been managed the normative of Fire detection system inside of every member country. These national committees must carry the necessities and new requirement of the industry and user of each country member of Fire detection system to the CEN/TC72 that is the European Committee which is responsible of update and change normative of fire detection system in the European Union.
EN 54 Standard Family Parts
The standard has been published in a number of parts:
·         EN 54 part 1 Fire detection and fire alarm systems. Introduction
·         EN 54 part 2 Fire detection and fire alarm systems. Control and indicating equipment (Fire alarm control panel)
·         EN 54 part 3 Fire detection and fire alarm systems. Fire alarm devices. Sounders
·         EN 54 part 4 Fire detection and fire alarm systems. Power supply equipment
·         EN 54 part 5 Fire detection and fire alarm systems. Heat detectors. Point detectors
·         EN 54 part 6a Fire detection and fire alarm systems heat detectors; Rate-of-Rise point detectors without a static element.
·         EN 54 part 7 Fire detection and fire alarm systems. Smoke detector. Point detectors using scattered light, transmitted light or ionization
·         EN 54 part 8 Components of automatic fire detection systems. Specification for high temperature heat detectors.
·         EN 54 part 9 Components of automatic fire detection systems. Methods of test of sensitivity to fire
·         EN 54 part 10 Fire detection and fire alarm systems. Flame detector. Point detectors
·         EN 54 part 11 Fire detection and fire alarm systems. Manual call point
·         EN 54 part 12 Fire detection and fire alarm systems. Smoke detectors. Line detectors using an optical light beam
·         EN 54 part 13 Fire detection and fire alarm systems. Compatibility assessment of system components
·         EN 54 part 14 Fire detection and fire alarm systems. Planning, design, installation, commissioning, use and maintenance.
·         EN 54 part 16 Fire detection and fire alarm systems. Components for fire alarm voice alarm systems. Voice alarm control and indicating equipment
·         EN 54 part 17 Fire detection and fire alarm systems. Short circuit isolators
·         EN 54 part 18 Fire detection and fire alarm systems. Input/output devices
·         EN 54 part 20 Fire detection and fire alarm systems. Aspirating smoke detector
·         EN 54 part 21 Fire detection and fire alarm systems. Alarm transmission and fault warning routing equipment
·         EN 54 part 22 Fire detection and fire alarm systems. Line type heat detectors
·         EN 54 part 23 Fire detection and fire alarm systems. Fire alarm devices. Visual alarms
·         EN 54 part 24 Fire detection and fire alarm systems. Voice alarms - Loudspeakers
·         EN 54 part 25 Fire detection and fire alarm systems. Components using radio links and system requirements
·         EN 54 part 26 Fire detection and fire alarm systems. Point fire detectors using Carbon Monoxide sensors
·         EN 54 part 27 Fire detection and fire alarm systems. Duct smoke detectors.